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Meet Joie, the Man of Many Talents at Sisters Mission

Meet Joie - Staff Spotlight

Joie is a valuable member of the Sisters Mission team, working as an in-house barber, host of Wednesday Night Bingo, and lead site staff for three years. His colleagues often call him “the man” for his vast knowledge of the organization and his willingness to help anyone in need. Joie takes great pride in his work and makes it his mission to build meaningful relationships with the clients he serves.

As the first person clients meet at Sisters Mission, Joie takes the time to greet them and explain the rules and expectations. He listens to their needs and concerns, and they trust him for his empathy and understanding. Joie’s dedication to service extends beyond his official duties, as he has helped clients with their resumes, clothing, and even haircuts. He became the in-house barber after a former client asked for his help, and he did such an excellent job that other clients started requesting his services.

Joie’s most significant contribution to Sisters Mission is creating Wednesday Night Bingo, a weekly event that keeps clients engaged and out of trouble. The game is always a hit, with clients and staff looking forward to the fun-filled evening. Joie DJs from his computer, tells jokes on the microphone and offers prizes to the winners. He takes great joy in entertaining people, a talent he has honed as a comedian, DJ, and host.

Although Joie finds his work at Sisters Mission rewarding, it can sometimes be challenging. He often sees former clients returning, struggling with addiction and other issues. But he remains committed to motivating and encouraging them to make better decisions and change their circumstances. When former clients return to Sisters Mission and thrive, it’s a victory for Joie.

Joie is a self-starter who has taught himself how to cut hair and DJ, and he brings his passion and creativity to everything he does. He’s also a devoted father of three and integral to the Sisters Mission community. His infectious energy and caring spirit make him a beloved figure among clients and staff.

“Joie is the ‘go-to guy,'” said Sisters Mission Site Director Monica White. “He is there to make things happen for the tenants. I’ve witnessed Joie having plenty of heart-to-heart conversations with tenants about what they are going through. Joie always tries to help the tenants feel that being here is not because they made bad choices but a way to take time out and learn from life’s lessons.”

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