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Debra’s Journey: Creating Joy and Connection at Magdala House’s Adult Day Program

At Magdala House, our staff members inspire us daily with their enthusiasm and commitment to providing exceptional care. We take pride in offering engaging activities at our Adult Day Program that enhance our clients’ mobility, cognitive abilities, and relationships. Thanks to people like Debra, the heart of this program beats stronger.

Debra, a direct support professional with over 20 years of experience working with seniors and people with disabilities, plays a pivotal role in the success of the Magdala House Adult Day Program. Her wealth of knowledge and passion are evident in the activities she carefully plans and oversees.

“I find joy in having fun and building relationships with the clients. I cherish listening to their stories and encouraging them to participate in our activities,” Debra shares, her passion shining through every word. Her work is a testament to the joy and inspiration of caring for others.

Debra’s journey to Magdala House reflects the deep impact she brings to the Adult Day Program. She began her career as a CNA at a nursing home, later advancing to a role in medical records. Her former boss recognized her creativity and ability to engage clients and promoted her to Director of Activities. After a brief retirement with family, Debra received a call from Magdala House about their new day program. They knew they needed her expertise. Her work has significantly enhanced the program, making it a vibrant and engaging space for our clients.

“I was excited to share what I knew about activities, and before I knew it, I was hired,” she recalls with a vibrant laugh. “I had lots of toys at my house that I used with my grandchildren. I started bringing those games and toys to Magdala, researched activities on YouTube and Pinterest, and purchased materials at the Dollar Store. The rest is history.”

At Magdala House’s Adult Day Program, every day is a new adventure filled with various engaging activities. From themed arts and crafts to outdoor games like hopscotch and walking, our clients are always involved. Fridays are particularly special, with Happy Hour featuring dancing and virgin strawberry daiquiris. This year, Debra, along with the staff and Director Linda James, planned our second annual Prom, showcasing the inclusivity and joy that define our Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Program. Our program offers a wide variety of activities to cater to our clients’ diverse interests and abilities.

Join us in celebrating the incredible work of our team at Magdala House! Want to learn more about our Adult Day Program or get involved? Visit our website or contact us today at 314-571-9950 to see how you can make a difference.

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